Tips on Running a Business With Your Romantic Partner
They say it takes two to tango, but often, it also takes two people to start and run a successful business. If you and the love of your life have decided to take this leap together, keep reading. Today’s tips can help you handle conflicts at work that might affect your relationship at home.
Understand Your Conflict Style
Couples fight. That’s a situation that can’t always be avoided. Fortunately, if you understand one another’s conflict style and how you each handle confrontations and unpleasant situations, you can take early steps to ensure you can work together when things aren’t completely pleasant.
Make Sure You Have Enough Space
Obviously, running a business takes space, so if you’re going to be working at least a little from home, make sure you have the space you need. If you’ve already been thinking of moving, now could be the time! There are plenty of houses out there, so consider your options carefully. Make a list of the features you’d most prefer and don’t be afraid to ask tough questions!
When it comes to finding a mortgage, many home loans don’t require a 20 percent down payment, but you will be required to purchase private mortgage insurance.
Choose the Right Business Structure
Your business structure can sway many different aspects of your business, including what you pay in taxes and how it’s managed. For couples, an LLC might make the most sense since this offers asset protection, so your personal home and property likely won’t be taken away if your business is sued.
Take Advantage of One Another’s Strengths
At home, one of you is probably Mr. Fix It or the DIY Queen. You recognize that you each play a vital part in your personal relationship and that one of you may be better at things like grilling or folding laundry. Take the same mindset in the office in playing off of one another's strengths. If you’re not sure what these are, ask people you both know and look for patterns in things you do well.
Support Each Other’s Weaknesses
Just as we all have strengths, we all have things that snag us up every once in a while. Support your partner’s weaknesses by encouraging them when they feel like they’ve let themselves or you down. You might also help out behind the scenes by doing things like prepping their workspace or forwarding the phones away from their desk when you know they don’t need distractions.
Save Money Where You Can
The vast majority of couples fight about money more than anything else. According to All Pro Dad, intimacy, time, and priorities are also on the list; each of these may also interfere with or be affected by your workplace relationship. Look for ways to save money at work, such as by using free invoicing software.
Be Equal Partners
While you have to be equal partners at home – many of the same actions apply in the workplace – make sure that you are equal partners in your business. The last thing you want is for one of you to be the “boss” at home and the other to pull all the strings at work.
Resolve Personal Conflicts Before The Workday Begins
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, don’t let your conflicts at home linger into your workday. This can distract you, mess with your productivity, and even intimidate your employees. A good rule of thumb is to never go to bed angry with the one you love.
Starting a business is exciting, and starting a business with your partner is a great way to strengthen your relationship, provided you go about it with compassion and respect. Consider finding a new home if you need more space, form a business structure, save money by using free tools, and be equal partners. This, along with the other advice above, can help you be a better business owner by day and lover by night.
Image via Pexels
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